Work in the USA

The United States of America is a land of opportunity, where hard work and determination can lead to a better life for you and your family. This country has been built by immigrants who came here with nothing but a dream and a willingness to work. By joining the American workforce, you have the chance to be a part of something bigger than yourself and contribute to this great nation’s growth and success. The road may be challenging, but with perseverance and a positive attitude, you can achieve your goals and live the American Dream.

Have a plan, work the plan and achieve your dreams!

plan semester_2x

Resources for H1-B Visa Workers

We are working on this actively. Please check back momentarily. Here are the things you can expect shortly:

  1. List of H1B sponsoring companies (Complete)
    • See the table below for 2022 and 2021 information
  2. Links to hiring companies and their websites
    • Please visit greencardEZ Discussions
  3. Additional resources to find reliable information

Your Support

Dear readers,

We are a small team and self-funded, which means that we rely on your support to bring our projects to life.

We are working hard to bring you new and exciting content as soon as possible, but we need your help. We are asking for donations to help us provide the resources we need to make our projects a reality.

Your support will allow us to purchase equipment, hire additional team members, and invest in the software and tools we need to make our content the best it can be. We understand that times are tough, but even a small donation can make a big difference.

We are committed to bringing you the most engaging and thought-provoking content possible, but we need your help. We are incredibly grateful for any support you can provide, and we look forward to sharing our work with you soon.

We appreciate your support,
greencardEZ Team

H1B Sponsors (2022 and 2021)

The table below lists companies that have sponsored H1B Visas in 2022 and 2021. While there are no guarantees that they’ll do it again, it is likely as they’re familiar with the process and have a network of professionals, including immigration lawyers.

Use the filters to narrow your search, as the table has around 112,500 records.

Information Source: USCIS

For a better experience, you can view this page in landscape mode by turning your phone sideways.

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greencardEZ is not a law or accounting firm. The information provided on our website, including discussion boards and in our meetings and services, is not a substitute for tax or legal advice from a professional. No content on this website should be construed as legal or financial advice. Consult with a designated official, tax professional, or attorney on personal tax or legal matters. greencardEZ is not affiliated with or endorsed by any U.S. Government Agency, including U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), or U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Use of the greencardEZ website and its services are subject to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. ©2024 GREENCARDEZ, LLC

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