Undergrad – Tests (SAT)
Completing your SAT – Fall 2023
It’s time to hit the books and study for Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) so you can set the right path for your future. Now is the time to be organized in your approach and ensure you schedule and take your SAT and submit your scores in a timely fashion.
Note: there is an alternate test, called ACT, that you can take instead of SAT, but we recommend taking the SAT.
Prepare and study, schedule and take your test and don’t forget to submit your scores to your chosen universities!

Plan of Action
Start: April 01, 2022 | Complete: July 31, 2022
To setup your journey for success, follow the plan of action below. Do your best to follow the calendar dates indicated for maximum effectiveness.
April 1st to April 15th
Schedule your SAT.
Everyone has a different level of comfort when it comes to scheduling tests. It comes down to your level of readiness and how well you’ve outlined your plan to study and prepare.
As you look at your calendar, your goal is to give yourself enough time to prepare for your SAT yet schedule a date to take your SAT as soon as you feel you will be ready.
July 1st to July 31st
Take your exam.
You’ve prepared yourself well and studied to the best of your ability. Take a breath and relax – you’ve got this! Get a good night’s sleep and eat a good meal the day of the test.
Your goal is to reduce your anxiety and stress on this day and rely on your preparation and abilities to attain a good score.
July 1st to July 31st
Submit your scores.
Conventional wisdom says submit the scores to 4 universities for free at the time of the test, but we recommend not doing so. You have up to 9 days after the test to do the same.
Your goal is to ensure your scores are submitted in a timely way to the universities you’ve chosen.
Wrap Up
You’ve worked hard to study and prepare and your SAT is done. Now it’s time for the IELTS or TOEFL.
April 1st to July 1st
Prepare and Study.
Your SAT results will be commensurate with the effort. Use your time wisely to prepare and study for your test. With all your activities it will be hard to find time but you can do it! Look for opportunities to study in quiet places like a library or places where you can “get in the zone” and really focus.
Your goal is to prepare yourself to the best of your ability for your test.