Undergrad – Solvency
Showing Solvency – Fall 2024
In this step you are trying to prove solvency, which means show your assets and liquidity to justify you have the means to pay for up to a year of your living costs (or beyond). This is specified in the I-20. It’s a good idea to start gathering bank statements and a letter from your sponsor (example – your father) in order to be ready for both the university and for the Visa application.
Request a letter and show your assets!

Plan of Action
Start: September 01, 2023 | Complete: September 30, 2023
To setup your journey for success, follow the plan of action below. Do your best to follow the calendar dates indicated for maximum effectiveness.
September 1st to September 30th
Get documents reflecting your assets.
You will need documentation regarding your assets and your liquidity.
Your goal is to have all the proper documentation needed for university and Visa applications.
Wrap Up
You’ve shown solvency through your documentation of assets. You will need to show this proof as part of the application process. Whew! With all that work behind you, you’re ready to submit your application.
September 1st to September 30th
Get letter from your sponsor.
Your sponsor can be a parent or even your bank.
Your goal is to secure a letter from your sponsor in preparation for university application and Visa application.