Graduate – Statement of Purpose
Statement of Purpose – Fall 2024
Now it’s time to create your Statement of Purpose. It’s always good to review this with an expert to get help. You will need to print several copies, so have a printer available!
Create a draft, have it reviewed, make your revisions then finalize and print it out!

Plan of Action
Start: August 01, 2023 | Complete: August 31, 2023
To set up your journey for success, follow the plan of action below. Do your best to follow the calendar dates indicated for maximum effectiveness.
August 7th to August 21st
Review with an expert.
Use the resources available to you to review your draft and provide suggestions for changes. Don’t feel like you have to do this alone. People naturally want to help others.
Your goal is to get feedback on your draft to make revisions and finalize the document.
August 21st to August 31st
Revise and finalize.
You’ve gotten great feedback at this point. Now it’s time to make your revisions and finalize your Statement of Purpose.
Your goal is to ensure that the document is ready to be printed.
August 21st to August 31st
Print multiple copies.
Depending on how many universities you are applying to, you will want to print multiple copies of your Statement of Purpose.
Your goal is to have enough printed copies to cover each university you are applying to.
Wrap Up
Hopefully, with help from an expert, your Statement of Purpose is now complete. You will need to think about your professors, mentors and employers who will write you a sparkling Letter of Recommendation!
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August 1st to August 7th
Create a draft.
Take the time to create a draft version of your Statement of Purpose. It’s always good to work this way to organize your thoughts first.
Your goal is to get your initial wording down before talking to an expert.