Graduate – Visa Interview
Visa Interview – Fall 2023
Get a good night’s sleep. Many professional athletes approach a big championship game as if it were just another game. You should take the same approach for your visa interview. Be yourself and everything will fall into place nicely.
Your visa interview will be over before you know it. Be checking for your passport to arrive and make sure the information is correct on the passport.
Plan of Action
Start: June 15, 2023 | Complete: July 15, 2023
To setup your journey for success, follow the plan of action below. Do your best to follow the calendar dates indicated for maximum effectiveness.
July 1st to July 15th
June 15th to July 15th
July 1st to July 15th
Wrap Up
With your interview done and passport received, it is now time to prepare for your travel!
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June 15th to July 15th