Graduate – Housing
Finalize your housing accommodations – Fall 2024
Finalizing housing means it is time to sign your contract and get moved in! You will need to find time to get your utilities set up and go shopping.
Sign contract, move in and get all setup!
Plan of Action
Start: August 15, 2024 | Complete: August 31, 2024
To set up your journey for success, follow the plan of action below. Do your best to follow the calendar dates indicated for maximum effectiveness.
August 15th to August 31st
After signing the contract and getting your key, it’s time to move in. Get to know your housemates or roommates and take some time to organize your things and make your new living space feel a little more like home.
Your goal is to move into your new housing.
August 15th to August 31st
Utility Setup and Basic Requirements.
Determine whether you will need to get utilities (water, electric, phone) set up and any other basic housing requirements.
Your goal is to ensure you have working utilities.
August 15th to August 31st
Setup and Shopping.
As you set up your room, make a list of things you will need to purchase at the store. Take some time to go shopping for any essentials you may not have carried with you during your travel.
Your goal is to finish setting up your room and shop for any missing items you will need in the coming days/weeks.
Wrap Up
Now that you are all moved in, you should visit the campus and get familiar with your surroundings.
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August 15th to August 31st
Finalize Housing.
You will need to sign your housing contract. Read your contract carefully before signing to understand any additional fees or penalties that you could incur.
Your goal is to sign your housing contract.